Thursday, January 7, 2010

Fictionary Friday - Magnitude

So here are the rules. I will post a word and its definition. It will be a real word, and its real definition. But then I will create a fictionary definition for the same word, and invite you to do the same. Sound good? Good. Here we go:

Dictionary Definition:
Magnitude n. greatness of size or amount.

Fictionary Definition:
Magnitude n. an over-important attitude or disposition, typically found in teenagers and politicians.


  1. Magnitude n. The attitude exhibited by a person who seems to attract the opposite sex like a magnet attracts paperclips.

  2. You have been chosen for an award! :)

  3. Magnitude n. not to be confused with a regular dude, a magnitude is magnetic and tends to be the most popular guy in a fraternity.


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