Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy National Punctu...ation Day!

And 10 points for anyone who knows what movie the title of this post alludes to. :)

So yeah, National Punctuation Day. Tell me, when is the last time you thanked an ellipses? Or hugged a colon? Ok wait, that one doesn't sound quite right.

I admit I'm a bit late in the day so unless you're on the West coast and reading this, well, now, you've already missed it. Such a shame. Now you'll never be able to celebrate punctuation again... at least not until next year.

Seriously though, it's hysterical the number of National Holidays there are. And those have to be sanctioned. Then there's even MORE "days" that just kinda, well, happened.

Like Elephant Appreciation Day. Or Talk Like a Pirate Day (arrr). Or Take Your Pants For a Walk Day. These days exist, my friend. National Be Late For Something Day is the day before National Stop Procrastinating Day.

Do we really need to set aside a day to stop procrastinating? Really. Because if you miss it, that gets you off the hook for a whole 'nother year!

I don't know about you, but I think if there's tons of random Days out there, then we should Seinfeld up our lives and create our own Festivuses (Festivi?)

So leave me a comment with your ideas. Here are some of mine:
  • National Free Jamba Juice Day Mmmmmm... Jamba Juice
  • National Walk Like an Egyptian Day Actually I think they have this one...
  • National Everybody Gets $600 Day (oh wait...)
  • National Say What You Really Want to Say Day this might need to be on a weekend
  • National Matching Outfits Day you know you've got the same outfit as someone else. Avoid the embarrassment and just plan to wear it on the same day!
  • National Barefoot at Work Day as long as you don't work on like, lava.
Happy Day, everyone!

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