Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wit & Wisdom Wednesday

Time for Wit & Wisdom Wednesday, where I post a quote from a well-known (or not so well-known) person. Please feel free to comment with quotes that have touched your soul.
"I'd rather change my mind and succeed than have my own way and fail."

~Felix Lugo~
"There Is No Rest for Success"


  1. I like that quote=)

    Thanks for stopping by this am=)

  2. hi stoppin by from SITS! Thats a great one!
    ~It is better to have love and lost then to never love at all~I don't remember by who but I love that!!Stop by

  3. Found your site via SITS!

    It isn't Wednesday anymore, but I like this idea.

    "Don't ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive." -Howard Thurman

  4. Thank you for quoting mwe. May you all always be inspired.

    -Felix Lugo


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